Homemade Vegan yellow curry

I know when I’m craving a soup, it usually means its cold outside. Before we finally get spring, enjoy the last few days of snow and make this wholesome and filling Vegan Yellow Curry.

What you’ll need:

  • an onion of your choice (I used a yellow onion);

  • carrots;

  • potatoes of choice (I used yellow creamer potatoes);

  • mushrooms;

  • any other veggies you have on hand—a handful of spinach, parsnips, squash, you name it!

  • 2 cans of unsweetened coconut milk;

  • 1 block of firm tofu

  • yellow curry paste (I used the Mekhala Yellow Curry Paste)

  • rice or noodles;

  • lime and cilantro for garnish

This is such a super easy recipe, chop up your veggies and throw them in a large pot. Let those cook until the onions are translucent. Pour in your coconut milk and 2-3 tsp of curry paste (or as much as tastes good). Let everything simmer for 10-15 minutes. Add diced up tofu. Let simmer until veggies are fork tender. Serve on top of rice or noodles and garnish with lime wedges and cilantro. Best enjoyed hot with a glass of white wine or sparkling water!

If you don’t finish everything, store leftovers in the fridge for 3-5 days max or freeze for a simple late night dinner down the line.

I can promise this curry won’t disappoint!


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