you’re not alone in your home ownership or renting experience

everyone’s home is unique, and everyone’s home ownership adventure is different.

As a Type-A, Enneagram 8, Disc Style D, I’ve learned that in order for me to feel my best—in my business, personal life, and as myself—I need to have a solid foundation, and my foundation is my home.

just like the saying “Your room is a reflection of your mind,” my home is a reflection of my mind. holding in all my thoughts, feelings, ideas, plans, etc., generally means my space will be chaotic.

& when you’re a homeowner, I’d imagine those like me would feel completely out of control.

feeling chaotic within, manifests externally.
— ME

so, to manage my chaos, and to help you manage yours, I’ve created two organizers to support you in creating peace in your space.