How To: Finding the Right Realtor®️

Finding a Realtor in a concentrated market can seem like a daunting task, but don’t let it get to you.  The process of buying or selling a home can be lengthy and requires quite a bit of energy from all parties. But having a Real Estate Agent who can be your right hand and guide you through the process from start to finish can be the difference between a great experience and feeling like you’re walking through fire.  So it’s crucial to find an Agent who is working in your best interest and who is best for you. 

To start, you need to get clear with yourself about a few things.  Take some time and answer these questions for yourself:

  1. What kind of structure would I like to have with my Agent?

As a starting point, this question is intended to help you understand the process of buying or selling with a Realtor.  Each Agent generally should have their own processes and procedures for Buyers and Sellers.  Getting clarity about how you like to be communicated with, how committed to the process you are, who is involved on your side, and what kind of Agent you want with you through the process will help you to decide on which Agent is best for you!  Make sure when you’re meeting with potential Agents, you get information regarding their processes so you know how they’re going to work through the process. Finally, make sure to share your thoughts and preferences with your Agent so there is mutual understanding and clarity, and in order to avoid conflicts that may arise.

2.  Do you want an agent who drives the process or do you want to lead?

As a Buyer, it’s crucial to recognize how much or how little you understand about the market and process of buying, so when using an Agent, they can either be the lead in the process to bring you potential properties, or you can be the one bringing the suggestions and they can support you in seeing, visualizing, and negotiation.  Some agents tend to be drivers, while others allow their clients to take the lead…knowing what would be most beneficial to you through the process will allow you to know what agent is going to be best for you.

3. In the case of a listing, do I want an Agent who can support the property in preparation or do I want to handle prep?

This question is definitely tailored to Sellers as they begin to prepare for listing their property.  Getting clarity with yourself about how involved in the preparation process you want to be will help your decision-making in deciding who will be your best agent.  Most agents have connections with contractors who can help out in painting, repairs, landscaping, staging, etc.  Some agents tend to be hands off, requesting their clients coordinate all the contractors and managing decisions, with help in some guidance and ideas.  Other agents will take a more hands on approach by organizing with contractors specifics for the property, making decisions they think is in your best interest, and overall managing some stressful situations.  Knowing how you would like to manage the preparation of your property and being clear with the agent will allow you to find a Realtor that is best for you. 

Most agents would recommend you do a few Agent Interviews when beginning the process of finding a Realtor if you don’t already know one who you trust to help you buy or sell your greatest asset.  These interviews allow you to learn more about the Agent’s processes which will be a major factor in finding the right agent for your situation.  By getting clear about what you want and are looking for in your support team through the process before these interviews, you’ll be able to weed out agents that don’t align with what you’re looking for.  

It is crucial for your Agent to be respectful of  your boundaries, being supportive of your goals, to assist you in achieving those goals in a process that works for you.  So, no matter who you work with, you must remember that no matter what happens, you have final say in every situation. Your Agent is there to give their professional opinion and share their knowledge to guide you in your decision-making.  

When you’ve answered these questions for yourself, finding the Realtor who aligns with your wants and needs comes easily, especially when you’re vocal with them.  If there’s one skill that’s most important to successful real estate transactions and experiences, its communication. The Agent who is committed to you and finding the best situation for you is a good listener and communicator, and you’ll see that when they bring you educational pieces, contracts, negotiation ideas, and more.  

So if you’re reading this and you’re ready to get started on buying or selling your property, make sure to reach out to me, and let me show you how I’m in it for YOU!


Vegan Corn & black bean Flautas


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